- Apr 16, 2025, 6:30 PMMaison Mondiale, Chemin des Crêts 25, Geneva 1209, SwitzerlandAn evening with Dr. Perveez Mody who is Associate Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge, UK. She has worked on love-marriage in India and more recently on ‘forced-marriage’ in the UK.
- Jun 17, 2025, 6:30 PMMaison Mondiale, Chem. des Crêts 25, 1209 Genève, SwitzerlandAn evening with Katharina Brandl, Head of Visual Arts and Valentina D’Avenia, Visual Arts Specialist
- Mar 18, 2025, 6:30 PMMaison Mondiale, Chem. des Crêts 25, 1209 Genève, SwitzerlandUne soirée avec Pierre Alain Girard, directeur de l'office du patrimoine et des sites, secrétaire de la fondation pour le patrimoine bâti genevois, et membre du conseil scientifique du CAS Bonheur dans les organisations.
April 16 Intimacy and the Politics of Love
Perveez Mody from Cambridge University
May 20 Prácticas culturales decoloniales en Cali, Colombia
Lina Lugo Maturana & Andrea Moreno Hurtado from Asociación Casa Cultural El Chontaduro
June 17 Promoting Swiss arts and cultures from the local to the global
Katharina Brandl & Valentina D'Avenia from Pro Helvetia
July 29 Programmation culturel et contexte urbain - du Centquatre au monde
Juliette Pinard & Martin Colomer-Diez from Centquatre Paris
August 26 De l'inspiration citoyenne au quartier
Emmanuelle Gangloff & Hélène Morteau from Bien urbaines
September 16 TBD
October 16 TBD
November 11 TBD
December 11 How Placemaking is taking over the world, and Switzerland
Samuel Leder from Placemaking Switzerland